Published On: Wed, Feb 5th, 2025
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‘I’m a cruise expert – never make this simple mistake in your cabin’ | Cruise | Travel

A popular cruising expert has taken to YouTube to warn passengers getting ready to embark on a ship to avoid making a huge mistake in their cabin.

Most cruises take place over several weeks, with many tourists packing a wide range of creature comforts to make their cabin feel more like home.

However, in a recent video, YouTuber and travel expert Fraser at Sea recommended that passengers avoid using adhesives when decorating their room.

He advised: “One thing you should never do in your cruise ship cabin is decorate it by sticking things onto the walls or the cabin door. Now, don’t worry. If you’re one of those people that likes to decorate their cabin using magnets, it’s not you I’m talking about.

“I’ve seen so many people in the past use Blu-Tack, white-tack, and various adhesives that you can put on the back of something and put it on the walls, and I’ve even met people that have used glue. What that means is that, when they leave the ship, your cabin attendant is going to have to stand there and scrape all of that sticky stuff off the doors and walls.”

Many cruise passengers like to make their cabin more unique by filling it with different decorations, which can be placed on the walls and doors.

Whilst this is widely accepted, Fraser warned tourists to never apply decorations with Blu-Tack or glue, which can be particularly difficult to remove without causing any damage.

In order to completely remove residue caused by the adhesives after the trip, the cabin steward may have to spend more time in the cabin before they are able to clean any other rooms in the short amount of time before the next group of passengers board.

Later in the video, Fraser also warned that passengers who damage their cabin trying to remove any adhesive will receive a bill so that the room can be fixed.

He continued: “If the adhesive that you’ve used to decorate your cabin damages the wall or the door, then you can expect to receive the bill for that.

“And that bill will be sent direct to your credit card after you’ve left the ship.”

Instead of risking additional hassle and bills, Fraser recommended that cruise passengers looking to decorate their cabin bring magnets, which can typically be stuck throughout the cabin.

He added: “Lots of people like to decorate the cabin door or the interior with little things that they bring from home – like their favourite fridge magnet or magnets that they buy during the cruise.

“The number one way to fix anything onto a wall or a door in your cabin is to use a magnet because the majority of walls and doors on cruise ships are metal. Any magnet should indeed stick to them. I don’t think I’ve ever been on a cruise ship that doesn’t have metal walls, so yes, stick to magnets.”

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