Published On: Wed, Mar 26th, 2025
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10 tips every new Minecraft player needs to know | Gaming | Entertainment

Not many video games can boast of being as popular as ever almost 15 years after release, which is what makes Minecraft so remarkable.

It’s a real cultural juggernaught – with more than 300 million copies sold, and up to 170 million people playing every month. The fact that it’s available on mobile devices to pick up and play wherever you are is a big part of that.

There’s even a movie, starring Jack Black and Jason Momoa. But what if you’ve never dipped your toe into the world of Minecraft?

One of the great things about the game is there’s no story or complicated lore you need to understand to enjoy it – just jump in and start building. But it is true that it doesn’t hold your hand – the player is left to discover everything by themselves.

So, if you’re just embarking on your Minecraft adventure for the first time, here are 10 top tips, put together by CBR, on how to make the most of your first few hours in the game.

1. Build a base around trees and water

Wood and water are two resources you’ll always need, so make sure you’re somewhere there’s lots of it. And remember to plant the saplings which fall off trees when you cut them down.

2. Use pillars to mark important places.

The world of Minecraft is massive, and randomly-generated – so it’s very easy to get lost. A good way to keep yourself orientated is to build a big pillar which you can see from far away. To start with, build one on your base so you can always find your way back.

3. Always have extra wood on you

Again, wood is needed to make almost anything in Minecraft. You never know when you’ll need to build a ladder or a new pickaxe, so make sure you’ve always got some wood in your inventory.

4. Always carry an extra bed

Beds are used as respawn points if you die, so if you’re off on a long journey, it’s worth placing a bed or two along the way so you’re not right back to square one if you meet a sticky end. Sleeping in a bed also lets you fast-forward through the night.

5. Build a farm to grow food

Just like in real life, you’ll always need food. Unfortunately, Minecraft doesn’t have any corner shops you can pop to for a sandwich, so building a small farm is a great way to make sure you’ve got a steady supply. All you need is a hoe tool and some seeds.

6. Keep torches handy

Not only are torches a source of light in dark areas, they’re also used for defence. Mobs won’t spawn in the light, so the more torches you’ve got around, the safer you are.

7. Start simple

While it’s tempting to jump right in and try and build a massive castle or palace, you’re better off just building a small shelter. Even a tiny hut will do. You can always upgrade it later.

8. Save your XP to enchant items

You gain XP a wide range of ways, including mining, killing enemies, and hunting – and these points are used to enchant items, adding useful effects. The more XP you put into an item, the stronger the enchantment will be – so it’s worth saving up your points for this. 

9. Crouch or sneak in dangerous areas

You’ll quickly discover it’s very, very easy in the world of Minecraft to meet a very abrupt end by falling from a great height. But there’s a sneaky workaround for this – if you crouch or sneak in a precarious area, you’re physcially unable to walk off the edge. This can mean the difference between life and death in some of the more tricky areas.

10. If in doubt, go caving

The caves dotted around the world of Minecraft are where all the best items and materials are found – so exploring them is always worthwhile. However, don’t go unprepared, there are a lot of dangers down there – even a mysterious stronghold which could lead you to somewhere unexpected.

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